Atomic Structure Problem Set

   1.Calculate [delta]E, frequency, and wavelength for the following transitions in the hydrogen spectrum.
        a.Lyman [alpha] line n=1 to n=2
        b.Balmer line n=2 to n=4
        c.Ionization of H n=1 to n=[infinity]

   2.Compare the three different types of radioactive particles. What are the differences between these particles?

   3.Based upon the wavelength information given in figure 7.3, calculate the typical energy in J mol-1 for gamma rays, X-
     rays, and Radio Waves.

   4.I just bought a new truck, calculate the DeBroglie wavelength if it is traveling down the highway at 65 miles per hour (the
     truck has a weight of 3675 pounds). Calculate the DeBroglie wavelength for an electron (mass 9.10953 x 10-31 kg)
     traveling at a speed of 100,000 miles per hour. Compare the wavelengths and their relative significance.

   5.Sketch the shape of the s, px, py, and pz orbitals.
